
Electronic GPS Tagging to be deployed— for UK illegal immigrants.

To curb congestion within immigrant detention camps within the United Kingdom, authorities are  considering introducing electronic GPS tagging to all immigrants who get detained within UK borders.

According to what’s been revealed so far  under the proposed legislation migrants will be tracked real time according to their location and they will be required by law to report to immigration officials via text messages multiple instances within a day.

What had prompted these drastic steps to be taken by UK authorities because the United Kingdom is quickly running out of space within detention centers for illegal immigrants to be housed till their status is properly processed. It has been estimated that the United Kingdom can only hold personnel capacity for 2500 individuals. Electronic tagging is actually a proposal due to authorities has been asked to come up with an alternative-practical way of keep track of illegal immigrants that cannot be housed

A credible source within the government has revealed “”they are looking at all of these options. Given the state of prison capacity, that could reach a breaking point and the Government knows that.”

However the proposed  electronic tagging proposal has come under severe criticism specially from left leaning interest groups and political parties dubbing it as punitive and draconian.

Opponents have  argued individuals who are escaping into Britain for safety concerns have been unfairly tagged as criminals without any acts  of criminality being committed.

Newly released date has revealed that the UK Asylum seekers backlog has reached record number 175 000 plus for the first time in Country’s history. By the end of June 2023  there were 175 457  individuals waiting within the Asylum processing system compared to last year where that figure was  122 213 persons. Primary factors that had contributed to increased numbers were said to be channel migrants  posting applications after arriving within the UK.

It has been estimated that the UK Government is spending close to 4 billion pounds on supporting asylum seekers. This includes about 6 million pounds being spent on housing 51 000  illegal immigrants in hotels.

What is speculated to be taking place is the electronic tagging system already in place within the UK to track criminals will be expanded to track illegal immigrants as well. A future projected estimation has revealed by the year 2025 UK electronic tagging will be tracking well over  25000 individuals.

Probation officers within the field itself have revealed, UK will be requiring a large number of  electronic tagging devices if this proposal were to be put into action.

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Viraj Jayasekara

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