
2024—US Elections will be IMPACTED & INFLUENCED by “Deep Fakes”

According to the UN Advisory Committee (AI)artificial intelligence they predict AI may play a critical role and indefinitely will have a deeper impact on the 2024 elections. They pointed out AI generated  deep fakes will likely have a massive impact  on voters in future elections. And for now there isn’t much that can be done about it.

Citing an article published on Fox News, an individual named Neil Sahota has predicted advertisements done through use of deep fakes may pose a  greater threat to democracy.

He quoted “A lot of people and I think those in the media too, are calling the 2024 election ‘the deep fake election’ that is probably going to be marred by tons and tons of deep fakes,” Sahota said. “Not much can be done right now to stop any of that.”

What is deeply more concerning about it, its ever more sophisticated advancement. The United Nations and other various organizations to corporations are rolling out software that can indeed detect and filter out these deep fakes. But Mr. Sahota has pointed out that common verification tools, such as watermarks, are relatively easy to circumvent in their current iterations.

He further points out a successful detection of an AI generated content is dependent upon its medium. As an example an AI generated video is likely to leave some Unique Identification markers. An analyst to anyone with the sharper eye can observe a person’s body language. And make note of its abnormalities. They can also monitor movement of the lips in corresponds to the words being spoken out. And detect any variations between the two. Unfortunately in an age where many things go viral overnight this analysis takes time and resources to be fully verified.

Sahota says Imagine just 2 days prior to election a deep fake video was released with the damning revelation, intended on having a measurable outcome on the election it may not succeed what it intends to but do have the effect on the masses.

In April this year the Republican National Committee (RNC) created the first fully AI generated political ad targeting the Biden administration on China and crime. Sahota said the Democratic National Committee (DNC) refuses to say whether they have made similar AI content in response against the Republicans.

Within the recently conducted Turkish elections AI generated  deep fakes  were heavily employed by many parties, but later they were scrutinized and debunked  by many social media.

Sahota further added “People need to have information to inform voters. If you don’t know what to trust, then you have these AI systems that, well, they know you like a best friend and can send you a very specific targeted fake ad. What do you do?”

Many organizations and companies are obtaining data through both ethical and unethical means relating to an individual’s behavioral characteristics  and through analyzing those data building data models. And those behavioral data models resemble or correspond with human psychology to behavioral Science and linguistics. Through such sophisticated models they can predict which kinds of words do catch or sway and persuade its intended target audience of individuals.

This is no coincidence  where some countries and special interests groups are heavily exploring possibilities of exploiting capabilities that deep fakes can be deployed to have a certain intended predetermined outcome. Take for example the Ukrainian president’s video message to his forces advising them to either surrender or pull back from defensive positions.

Another example of this a video appeared where former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton saying “she approves of,  and would be endorsing Florida governor de Santis”. Incidents like these may not have the intended impact as expected on the scale it has hoped for but it did indeed manage to generate a Seismic effect even though minute in nature.

Considering these circumstances AI generated  videos are indeed a matter of great concern to the wider society. Especially considering not many people are that much vigilant or intelligent in figuring out what is possible to Plausible.

Within an AI election Strategy imagine in an election scenario, voters are receiving a continuous feed of news letters from a certain candidate and as a result of being continuously being bombarded  with relentless feed of emails, the voters might become convinced or even become reluctant in not to vote for these candidates.

Mr. Sahota further points out “the most significant concern to the UN is what happens when someone claims they were the victim of a deep fake but are attempting to brush off a legitimate video, picture or audio recording”.

The actual dilemma is even for the legitimate individual who will be making an actual statement via the medium of a video or an audio or any  kind of digital Communications means, with a creation of a deep fake, they themselves can become confused to loss to differentiate from what is being the authentic to not authentic one that they have actually do created.

As a result of ever more expanding capabilities of artificial intelligence to AI technologies, opponents to proponents in many social to political movements are using AI to manipulate  wider society to sway them in their favor. At present the  Federal Election Committee (FEC) is undecided on whether what can be or what should be done about it. if not whether they have any role in regulating what is being taken place within the digital domains.

However everyone who is legitimately concerned about its negative impact should be aware that misinformation and misleading claims reach “epic proportions,” This indeed will also have an inevitable ability of creating a cultural change where people will become skeptical of what they get to see visually to what they hear.

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Viraj Jayasekara

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